SAIM conducted OD intervention for Cultural Shift at NMB Bank initiated in January 2019 and ended in July 2019.

SAIM conducted OD intervention for Cultural Shift at NMB Bank initiated in January 2019 and ended in July 2019.

The objective of the OD intervention was  to facilitate a series of value based organizational development (OD) interventions in NMB that was expected to enable a culture shift in the way of working within NMB leading to improved customer experience and strengthened customer loyalty. The participants were the 19 branch managers of the NMB bank. The primary motive was to strengthened soft skills of BMs through a series of targeted activities, including a series of training sessions and action learning activities. The acquisition of soft skills knowledge and its practical application is expected to create the necessary environment for a sustainable cultural shift that supports building up of an “NMB soul” enabling the move to “One NMB”. Soft skills enhancement sessions covered a gamut of skills including business communication, emotional intelligence/ quotient (EQ), employee management, mindfulness, proper work life balance, and customer handling. The intervention was indeed successful and SAIM was well appreciated by the bank.