Meraki: A Club resonating the companionship


Why "SAIM Interaction with Meraki"?

College is one of the most easy-to-access platforms for networking and yet so important and impactful. These years are a significant times of our life for building connection and self-growth. Despite our college's excellent environment, we identified a communication gap among Saimains. We conducted this program to challenge this exact matter. "SAIM Interaction with Meraki" was organized to bridge the students of SAIM college by post-college, an inclusive and supportive environment.

Program objective: To create a fun and interactive environment by connecting students of SAIM (primarily 2nd and 4th sem, BBA)

The event was meticulously planned to foster a vibrant platform for building connections through interactive activities. It brought together a diverse community for a day of entertainment, camaraderie, and friendly competition. The event seamlessly blended captivating performances with engaging games, creating an atmosphere of joy and unity.

Highlights: Connecting Through Fun and Games

1)  Enthralling Performances:

 There were three pre-scheduled performances and four on-the-spot performances (dance, song, and poem). Attendees embraced the joy of movement and music, enhancing their overall experience and highlighting the power of art to connect minds and hearts.

2)  Interactive Games

Number Game: It act as an ice breaker as it was the first game. Participants engaged in a friendly number-matching game, testing their skills and strategies against fellow attendees.

Cup Tower: Teams worked together to build intricate cup towers, demonstrating teamwork and coordination in a race against time.

Musical Chair: The timeless game of Musical Chairs added an element of nostalgia and excitement to the event. Participants eagerly competed for the remaining chairs as the music played, showcasing their agility and quick reflexes.

Balloon Game: The Balloon Game brought laughter and energy to the event, with participants competing in groups, showcasing their strategy with team spirit. Enthusiastic participants immersed themselves in the challenging balloon chain game, stimulating their minds and fostering day competition.

Spicy Food Challenge: Brave souls took on the fiery Spicy Food, pushing their taste buds to the limit with increasingly spicy dishes. Laughter and camaraderie ensued as participants tested their tolerance for heat and spice. The race against time added a layer of excitement to the challenge, further energizing the participants.

Prizes and Recognition: Winners were awarded prizes, but the valid reward was the sense of community and shared experiences.


Key Takeaways:

Student Engagement: SAIM interaction with Meraki provided a platform for students to come together, connect, and celebrate diversity through shared experiences and activities.

Inclusivity: The variety of performances and games ensured that there was something for everyone to enjoy, fostering a sense of inclusivity and belonging.

Fun and Fellowship: Laughter, smiles, and friendly competition abounded, reinforcing the importance of fun and fellowship in building a solid and vibrant college community.

Creative Expression: Dance and music served as powerful mediums for creative expression, enabling participants to communicate emotions and ideas beyond the confines of language.

Beyond the Games:

More importantly, the event provided a fantastic platform for interaction. Between games, attendees mingled, shared stories, and forged new connections. It was a refreshing opportunity to step outside our academic circles and connect with fellow students and faculty more personally.


 We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our well-wishers and supporters. "SAIM Interaction with Meraki" was a resounding success, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of attendees, the support from the college administration and staff members, and the dedication and hard work of the volunteers and organizing committee. The event exemplified the power of student interaction and the joy of coming together to celebrate shared passions and interests.

 Meraki is a Greek word meaning to do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself in your work. To love what you do is to do it well. At the Meraki Club, we believe that by infusing our activities with soul and creativity, we can create memorable and impactful experiences for everyone involved. The success of this event is a testament to that belief.

We look forward to future endeavors, continuing to foster a culture of excellence, connection, and student development.

With Meraki, we strive to make every interaction count, every event memorable, and every student feels included. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and here's to many more moments of joy, creativity, and togetherness.