
An Interactive workshop hosted by Cloud Factory


SAIM I term MBA students attended an interactive workshop hosted by Cloud Factory on May 22, 2024, at Cloud Factory headquarters. The workshop aimed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

Interactive Guest Session with Mr. Binaya Khadka, CEO, Khalti.


Interactive guest session with Mr. Binaya Khadka, CEO, Khalti. Khalti is a mobile wallet, payment gateway, and service provider in Nepal. Its presence made a significant contribution to promoting digital payments in the Nepalese fintech industry. This session in partnership with @Hamrobazar Student Partnership will help students to delve into the fintech domain of Nepal.


Graduation Ceremony 2024


As Is! SAIM Graduation Day May 10, 2024. Moment to Remember! Congratulations to all the graduates! 

Session on Bhat-bhateni, and extend our special thanks Mr. Min Bahadur Gurung.


We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Min Bahadur Gurung for his insightful session on Bhat-bhateni, and extend our special thanks to Dr. Prakash Chandra Lohani for his facilitation of this session under the Seminar in Development in South and South East Asia course. We are grateful for the significant presence of students from both BBA and MBA Global Business! Bhat Bhatini @Prakash Chandra Lohani 


Congratulations to the SAIM Futsal Team for clinching the runner-up position in the Futsal Tournament organized by Imperial College


Congratulations to the SAIM Futsal Team for clinching the runner-up position in the Futsal Tournament organized by Imperial College! Your achievement speaks volumes about your sportsmanship, dedication, and talent on the field. Keep up the excellent work and continue to inspire others with your passion for the game. Well done!