Certificate Distribution short snap


Certificate Distribution short snap


Congratulation our winner team.


Our Winners of SAIM MLBB CUP ~ Team Crack Heads

Blood Donate Organized by Kudos to Meraki Club


Youth Empowering Lives

Donate Blood, Be Hero campaign concludes triumphantly on 14th June 2023. Kudos to Meraki Club and BBA II Semester for their outstanding efforts. Also, congratulations to the BBA VI semester for successfully completing the first day of a fundraising campaign for CSR Initiatives.


Glimpse into Global Network of Pharmaceutical Industries Presented by Diwakar Rijal


International Management_A Glimpse into Global Network of Pharmaceutical Industries. The guest session will be facilitated by Mr Diwakar Rijal, CEO at BaAma Consultant and Ex—senior Professional Sales Officer at Pfizer

SAIM X Northmandu Joint Meeting


Have you ever wondered what's Heaven like? Think About it💁‍♂️
Let's see what TM Krishna has to talk on the theme "Think About it" at the Joint Meeting of SAIM × Northmandu Toastmasters.
Venue: Malpi International College, Baluwatar
